1912年(明治45年)、日本は明治天皇が逝去し、大正時代に変わった。この時、逓信省は、それ迄の菊切手に代わり、国際通信利用のための英文字を挿入した新切手(田沢型切手)を発行した。この切手は活用性が高く、1937年(昭和12年)まで、台紙や印刷法などを修正しながら発行された。この切手は、大正白紙、新・旧大正毛紙、昭和白紙に分類される。 この切手は、デザインを一般から公募した。(実際は、逓信省関係者とデザイン専門家)その結果、逓信省技官の田沢昌言(たざわまさこと)による、アールヌーボ調のデザインが採用された。最初の発行は、1913年(大正2)に白紙印刷されたが、前年の1912年(明治45)に、菊切手の贋作が発見されたことから、 偽造防止目的で、翌年の1914年(大正3)から、透かしと毛紙(細い繊維入りの紙)での切手が発行された。最初の切手を「大正白紙切手」、次の透かしと毛紙入りの切手を「大正毛紙切手(旧・新)」、最後は再び白紙に戻って「昭和白紙切手」として分別している。
参考;小原英樹著『日本の郵便切手と近現代史抄』 2014年

Historical backgroundIn 1912 (Meiji 45),
Japan changed to the Taisho era when the Emperor Meiji passed away. At this time, the Ministry of Communications issued a new stamp (Tazawa type stamp) with English characters inserted for international communication use instead of the previous Kiku stamp. This stamp was highly useful, and was issued until 1937 (Showa 12) with minor modifications to the mount and printing method. This stamp is classified into Taisho blank paper, new and old Taisho blank paper, and Showa blank paper. This stamp was solicited from the general public for design. (Actually, Ministry of Communications officials and design experts) As a result, an Art Nouveau design by Ministry of Communications engineer Masako Tazawa was adopted. The first issue was printed on a blank sheet in 1913 (Taisho 2), but in 1912 (Meiji 45) the previous year, a forged stamp was discovered, so in 1914(Taisho) the following year for the purpose of preventing counterfeiting. From 3), stamps with watermarks and woolen paper (paper with fine fibers) were issued. The first stamp is “Taisho blank paper stamp”, the next stamp with watermark and blanket is “Taisho blank paper stamp (old / new)”, and finally it returns to blank paper and is sorted as “Showa blank paper stamp”.Japan participated in World War I in 1914 (Taisho 3) and won with the help of the Allies. In 1923(Taisho 12), the Great Kanto Earthquake struck, and Tokyo and the Kanto region suffered enormous damage. Then, when the Showa period was reached in 1926, the economy was exhausted due to the Great Depression, and in 1931 (Showa 6). In 1932 (Showa 7), the puppet government was established in Manchuria due to the Manchurian Incident. Then, in 1937 (Showa 12), the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and Japan entered into a full-scale war system. In November 1937 (Showa 12), the first Showa stamp with a strong design during the war was issued.
Reference; “Japanese Postage Stamps and Modern History Extract” by Hideki Ohara, 2014