Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

満州国の歴史 (建国前の国際情勢から消滅まで)と切手 7-4

Manchuria Stamp [Overview] History of Manchuria   (from the international situation before the founding of the country to its disappearance)

Wikipedia 満州国地図, 満州国は日本および中国、ソビエト、モンゴルと国境を接する。


参考:①wikipedia 満州国
   ②公益財団法人日本郵趣協会編 『日本切手専門カタログ 日本関連地域編2012』P74-90 

Manchukuo is a puppet state of the Empire of Japan that existed in Manchuria (northeast China) between 1932 and1945.In 1843, the Qing dynasty accepted the extraterritoriality of the countries that entered the country after theOpium War. In 1858, the Russian Empire also gained extraterritoriality, and in 1860 gained sovereignty over northeastern China. Japan signed an equal diplomatic treaty with the Qing dynasty under the Sino-Japanese Friendship and Treaty of 1871 (Meiji 4). Furthermore, the Treaty of Shimonoseki after the Sino-Japanese War gave extraterritoriality to the Qing dynasty. Russia obtained the right to lay a railway in Manchuria with the incentive for Triple Intervention immediately after the Sino-Japanese War (Li-Lobanov Treaty). Japan regarded Russia’s “southward policy,” which effectively controls the entire Manchuria, as a threat to Japan’s security. In 1900 (Meiji 33), Russia took advantage of the Boxer Rebellion to occupy Manchuria and monopolize its interests. Japan insisted on the opening of Manchuria with the United States and other countries, and concluded an Anglo-Japanese Alliance with the United Kingdom.

In 1904, Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, ceded South Sakhalin, and acquired the right to lease and manage theKorean Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula under the Treaty of Portsmouth. However, Japan confronted the UnitedStates, which was late in entering China, by changing its policy 180 degrees and promoting the securing of interests in Manchuria jointly with Russia. In September 1931 (Showa 6), the Manchurian Incident broke out, and the entire Manchuria was occupied by the Kwantung Army. After that, under the leadership of the Kwantung Army, the region declared independence from the Republic of China, and Manchuria was founded in March 1932. The head of state was the last emperor of the Qing dynasty, Puyi Puyi. After that, Japan withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933 (Showa8) due to widespread criticism of the Manchurian puppet government from the great powers. At that time, Japan’s allies and friendly nations of World War II such as Germany, Italy and Thailand, neutral nations closer to the pivotal camp such as Spain, and later allied nations such as El Salvador, Poland , Costa Rica were also full. Approved the nation(13country).In addition, the Soviet Union promised to invade the territory and set up a legation. In addition, countries such as Britain,the United States, and France that had not established diplomatic relations also advanced into Manchuria one afteranother, and engaged in human exchange and trade. In 1945 (Showa 20) at the end of World War II, the Soviet Union’s attack on the Kwantung Army, which broke the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty, and the subsequent surrender of Japan led to the abdication of Emperor Manchuria and Puyi on August 18. Manchukuo was destroyed.

Reference: (1) wikipedia Manchuria
     (2) Japan Philatelic Society Foundation, “Japan Stamp Specialized Catalog, Japan-Related Areas 2012” P74-90