1937年(昭和12年)、中国軍と華北に駐屯していた日本軍の間で「盧溝橋事件」が勃発し、日中戦争が開始された。この事件は日本軍の策略と言われている。一方で、世界政治学の観点からみると、日本は満州の権益獲得から出遅れたアメリカから、関津やその他経済物資の輸入制限などの厳しい経済制裁を受けていた。更に、満州建国に際しての世界各国からの非難による国際連盟からの脱退など、この当時の日本は、世界から孤立状態に置かれていた。それを打開しようとして軍部を中心に推進したのが、日本がアジアの主導権を握る「大東亜共栄圏」構想である。これにより、イギリス、フランス、オランダなど、アジアに領土や勢力を有していた国々は、それまでに獲得した既得権益を日本に奪われる不安が生じていた。その状況の中、それらの国々は自国の国益を守るため中国に加担した。この時から日本切手は戦争色が濃くなり、終戦の翌年1946年(昭和21年)まで、軍国思想に基づくデザインの切手が発行された。 昭和切手は、第1次昭和(日中戦争開始時)、第2次昭和(太平洋戦争勃発時)、第3次昭和切手(物資不足時)に分類される。これらの切手は、激動の時代に発行されたため、多数の変化やエラーが見られる。
参考; 今井修著『日本切手100年小史』1978.7.10.
公益財団法人日本郵趣協会編 『日本切手専門カタログ戦前編2007』 P181

Historical background
In 1937 (Showa 12), the “Marco Polo Bridge Incident” broke out between the Chinese army and the Japanese army stationed in North China, and the Sino-Japanese War began. This case wasis said to be a plot of the Japanese army. On the other hand, from the perspective of world politics, Japan was subject to strict economic sanctions such as restrictions onimports of Sekinotsu and other economic goods from the United States, which was late in acquiring Manchuria’s interests. Furthermore, Japan at that time was isolated from the world, such as withdrawal from the League of Nations due to criticism from all over the world when Manchuria was founded. The “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Area” concept,in which Japan takes the initiative in Asia, was promoted mainly by the military in an attempt to overcome this.As a result, countries that had territory and power in Asia, such as the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands, were worried that Japan would lose the vested interests they had acquired so far. In that situation, those countries are their own countries Participated in China to protect national interests. From this time on, Japanese stamps became more war-like, and until 1946 (Showa 21), the year after the end of the war, they were based on military ideas.A stamp with a design was issued. Showa stamps are classified into the 1st Showa (at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War), the 2nd Showa (at the outbreak of the Pacific War), and the 3rd Showa stamp (when supplies are in short supply). Since these stamps were issued during the turbulent times, there has been are many changes and errors.
Reference: Osamu Imai, “100 Years of Japanese Stamps”, 1978.7.10.
Japan Philatelic Society Foundation “Japan Stamp Specialized Catalog Prewar Part 2007” P181