1 日中戦争から太平洋戦争への戦火拡大

1937年(昭和12)、日中戦争勃発により、日本は中国本土へ軍事侵攻した。この戦争で中国軍はアメリカやイギリス、ソ連から物資や人的援助を受けて戦ったため長期化した。満州に傀儡政権を樹立し、中国本土でもアメリカやイギリス、オランダとの覇権争いで強硬姿勢を貫く日本に対し、中国を含む4か国はABCD包囲網を掲げ、日本への石油輸出等を大幅に制限した、その間、日本はアジア覇権国との外交交渉を重ねたが、全く合意できない状況が続いた1941年11月、ソ連のH.ホワイトが作成し、アメリカのコーデル・ハル国務長官が表明した「ハルノート」(日本の中国・インドシナからの撤退、中国における治外法権と租界の放棄、日独伊三国軍事同盟の破棄)により、日本は 、米英との戦争を決意した。
1 Expansion of the war from the Sino-Japanese War to the Pacific War
In 1937 (Showa 12), Japan invaded mainland China due to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War. The Chinese army fought in this war with supplies and human assistance from the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, which prolonged the war. While Japan has established a puppet government in Manchuria and has taken a tough stance in the battle for supremacy with the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands in mainland China, the four countries including China have set up an ABCD siege network and have significantly increased oil exports to Japan. During that time, Japan repeated diplomatic negotiations with the puppet states of Asia, but the situation remained completely disagreeable.”Hull Note” created by Soviet Union Secretary of State Cordell Hull in November 1941 (Japan’s withdrawal from China and Indochina, abandonment of extraterritorial authority and tax circles in China, Japan-Germany-Italy military With the abolition of the alliance), Japan decided to war with the United States and Britain.
2 日本の中国本土での郵政(支配地域の郵便)
日本は日中戦争開戦以降、蒙彊、華中、華南などの軍事支配地域で傀儡政権を樹立させた。 ①華北(華北政務委員会:北京・天津・青島・太原等) ②蒙彊(蒙古連合自治政府:張家口・厚和・大同等) ③華中(中華民国国民政府(汪兆銘政権):上海・南京・漢口等) ④華南(中華民国国民政府(汪兆銘政権):広東・汕頭・海南島等)である。日本は、それらの占領地域において、1941年6月以降、現地の中国切手にそれらの地域名を加刷した占領地切手を発行した。(詳細:各「占領地切手(中国占領地)」リーフ参照)
2 Japan Post in mainland China (mail in controlled areas)
Since the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, Japan has established a puppet government in military-controlled areas such as Mongolia, Central China, and South China. (1) North China (North China Political Commission: Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Taiyuan, etc.) (2) Mengjiang (Mengjiang Union Autonomous Government: Zhangjiang, Guangdong, Great Equivalent) (Kanguchi, etc.) ④ South China(Republic of China National Government (Wang Jingwei Administration): Guangdong, Wang Jingwei, Hainan Island, etc.). Since June 1941, Japan has issued occupied territory stamps with the names of those territories printed on local Chinese stamps in those occupied territories. (Details: Refer to each “Occupation Stamp (Chinese Occupation)” leaf)
3 日本の南方占領地域と郵政(太平洋戦争時の通信)
参考:公益財団法人日本郵趣協会編 『日本切手専門カタログ 日本関連地域編2012』
3 Japan’s southern occupied territories and postal services(communication during the Pacific War)
On December 8, 1941 (Showa 16), Japan declared war on the United States, and the Pacific War broke out. Immediately after the start of the war, the Japanese troops invaded the southern region by electric shock and occupied Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Burma, Indonesia (Sumatra), etc. by the first half of 1942. Communication control was swiftly carried out by the requisition of the postal business, and a stamp reprinted for the purpose of announcing the occupation of Japan was issued to the local stamps as soon as a few weeks after the occupation. Then, in a few months, a local stamp was issued to inform the communication control by the Japaneseoccupation. (Details: Refer to each “Occupation Stamp (Southern Occupation)” leaf) Reference: Japan Philatelic Society Foundation, “Japan Stamp Specialized Catalog,
Japan-Related Areas 2012″