Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

戦前の記念切手(1894-1945)概要 2-1

Commemorative stamp from the Meiji era to the end of the Pacific War (1894-1945) Overview



No. 記念切手名称 額面 No. 記念切手名称 額面 No. 記念切手名称 額面
1 明治天皇銀婚式 2・5 13 皇太子帰朝 11/2・3・4・10 25 関東局30年 11/2・3・10
2 日清戦争勝利 2・2・5・5 14 裕仁台湾訪問 11/2・3 26 帝国議事堂完成 11/2・3・6・10
3 大正天皇婚儀 3 15 裕仁婚儀(不発行) 11/2・3・8・20 27 愛国募金 2+2・3+2・4+2
4 日韓通信合同 3 16 大正天皇銀婚式 11/2・3・8・20 28 赤十字条約75年 2・4・10・20
5 日露戦争凱旋 11/2・3 17 UPU50年 11/2・3・6・10 29 紀元2600年 2・4・10・20
6 大正大礼 11/2・3・4・10 18 昭和大礼 11/2・3・6・10 30 教育勅語50年 2・4
7 裕仁立太子礼 11/2・3・10 19 伊勢式年遷宮 11/2・3 31 シンガポール陥落 2+1・4+2
8 第1次大戦平和 11/2・3・4・10 20 第2回国勢調査 11/2・3 32 満州建国10年 2・5・10・20
9 飛行郵便試行 11/2・3 21 明治神宮鎮座10年 11/2・3 33 鉄道70年 5
10 第1回国勢調査 11/2・3 22 逓信記念日制定 91/2・161/2・18・33 34 大東亜戦争1周年 2+1・5+2
11 明治神宮鎮座 11/2・3 23 15回赤十字会議 11/2・3・6・10 35 靖国神社75年 7
12 郵便創始50年 11/2・3・4・10 24 満州皇帝来訪 11/2・3・6・10 36 関東神宮鎮座 3・7
A 計(額面別発行数) 33 B 計(額面別発行数) 40 C 計(額面別発行数) 32
合計(A+B+C) 105


Commemorative stamp from the Meiji era to the end of the Pacific War

No. Name of stamp Face value No. Name of stamp Face value No. Name of stamp Face value
1 Emperor Meiji Silver Wedding 2・5 13 return of the Crown Prince 11/2・3・4・10 25 30th anniv. of Kanto Bureau’s 11/2・3・10
2 Sino-Japanese War Victory 2・2・5・5 14 Prince Visit to Taiwan 11/2・3 26 completion Imperial Diet Build. 11/2・3・6・10
3 Emperor Taisho Wedding 3 15 Prince Hirohito Wedding* 11/2・3・8・20 27 Patriotic donation stamp 2+2・3+2・4+2
4 Japan-Korea Communication Joint 3 16 Taisho Emperor Silver Wedding 11/2・3・8・20 28 75t the Red Cross treaty 2・4・10・20
5 Russo-Japanese War Triumph 11/2・3 17 50th anniversary of UPU 11/2・3・6・10 29 2600th anniv. Emperor Family 2・4・10・20
6 Emperor Taisho coronation 11/2・3・4・10 18 Showa Tairei Memorial 11/2・3・6・10 30 50th of “Educational Charter” 2・4
7 Nomination Prince Hirohito 11/2・3・10 19 Shikinen Sengu(relocate temple) 11/2・3 31 Singapore Occupation Memorial 2+1・4+2
8 Restoration of WWI Peace 11/2・3・4・10 20 The 2nd National Census 11/2・3 32 10th anniv. founding Manchuria 2・5・10・20
9 First Air Mail Flight by Japanese 11/2・3 21 Meiji Jingu Shrine 10th Anniv. 11/2・3 33 Railway 70th anniversary 5
10 First Census 1920 11/2・3 22 Establish communication anniv. 91/2・161/2・18・33 34 1st anniv. of the Pacific War 2+1・5+2
11 Dedication of Meiji Shrine 11/2・3 23 15th Red Cross Inter. Conference 11/2・3・6・10 35 75th Anniv.of Yasukuni Shrine 7
12 50th Anniv.of Postal Service 11/2・3・4・10 24 visit Emperor Manchuria 11/2・3・6・10 36 Kanto Jingu Shrine Completion 3・7
A SubTotal 33 B SubTotal 40 C SubTotal 32
Total(A+B+C) 105

*Not Issued

The characteristic of the commemorative stamps of the imperialist era from the Meiji era to the end of the Pacific War is that the number of stamps related to the war and the emperor occupies the majority. From this fact, prewar Japan has adopted a globalization strategy internationally since the Meiji Restoration, and has repeatedly won and defeated by wars with foreign countries, but the emperor system has continued unwaveringly, and the Japanese It can be seen that the consciousness of the people of Japan is deep-rooted in both the public and private sectors. Japan has maintained the emperor system for more than 2780 years. Looking at the example of China, since the Qin Shi Huang Emperor, many political changes have occurred due to the Dynastic Cycle, etc., and the monarch has changed each time. The identity of the Japanese organic bond seems to have faded after the war, but it is still strongly maintained in deep psychology.