Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

竜文切手 << 1871年(明治4年) 4月20日 >> 1-1-1

Hand carved(Etched) stamps (Doragon Stamps Mon Unit)
Issued on April 20, 1871 (Meiji 4)

Japanese first Stamps Dragon Mon Unit 4 types
Issued on April 20, 1871 (Meiji 4)
Japanese postal system was first established at Asia in 1871, thirty years behind the United Kingdom (1840),when the postal system was first created. At that time, Japan's first postage stamp was issued. This stamp was made by the government entrusted to the Seikyoh Matsuda's workshop at Matsuda Gengendo in Kyoto. In order to prevent counterfeiting, the copper plate etching technique is used to make each piece by extremely precise handcrafting. The design is around the lightning crest (vortex pattern) and cloisonne, ascending dragons on the left and right, and the face value (48 mon, 100 mon, 200 mon, 500 mon) is printed in the center.At this time, the sentence was used because the currency unit had not changed since the Edo period.At this time, the sentence was used because the currency unit had not changed since the Edo period. At this time, Mon was used because the currency unit had not changed since the Edo period. 48 mon stamps were issued at this face value because at that time 50 mon were evaluated and exchanged as 48 mon in the quaternary system.