新高額切手 1924年(大正13年)12月 / 1937年(昭和12年)11月 1923年(大正12年)9月、関東大震災が起こった。逓信省切手倉庫が火災で全て焼けた。そのため、今迄の高額切手の原版も破損して使用不可となった。逓信省は凸版印刷に新高額切手を発注して、デザインは、旧版と同じ「神功皇后(しんぐうこうごう」だったが、後の考証により新しい肖像となった。1924年発行切手の用紙は毛紙だったが、1937年発行切手は、「1次昭和切手」と同じ白紙となった。
New High value Stamps
Issued on Dec. 1924 (Taisyo13) / November 1937(Syowa12)
In September 1923 (Taisho 12), the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred. The Ministry of Communications stamp warehouse was completely destroyed by fire. Therefore, the original version of the high-priced stamps so far was also damaged and became unusable. The Ministry of Communications has ordered a new high-priced stamp from Toppan Printing. The design was the same as the old version, "Empress Jingu", but according to later examination, it was the same person, but it became a new portrait.The paper issued in 1924 was Kegami, but the stamp issued in 1937 became the same White Paper as the newly issued "1st Showa Stamp".