第8回ワシントン条約締約国会議 1992 (平成4年) 3月 2日発行
ワシントン条約 (CITES*: 絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の種の国際取引に関する条約) は、野生動植物の国際取引の規制を輸出国と輸入国とが協力して実施することにより、絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の保護を図ることを目的としている。切手は、 1992年3月に開催されたこの介護を記念して発行され。「蘭とチンパンジー」がデザ インされている。
*CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
The 8th COP to CITES Issued on March 2, 1992 (Heisei 4)
From 1955 (Showa 30), an administrative counseling service was established to directly receive complaints, dissatisfactions, requests, etc. about the national administration from the people and promote their resolution. After that, the number of complaints filed increased year by year, and in 1960, the administrative counseling service was newly made the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications based on the law. After that, in order to further enhance this system, the "Administrative Counseling Committee Law" was enacted in 1966, and the number of members has been gradually increased, and about 5,000 people are currently active. Stamps are issued to commemorate the 30th anniversary of this system and are designed with "children playing with toys".