Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

日本・ポルトガル友好450年 << 1993年(平成5年) 9月22日 >> 2-5-120

450th Anniversary of Japan-Portugal Friendship Issued on September 22, 1993 (Heisei 5)

450th Anniversary of Japan-Portugal Friendship Issued on September 22, 1993 (Heisei 5)
In 1543, Portuguese merchants were washed ashore on Tanegashima, and the introduction of guns and trade between the two countries became active. In 1549 Francis Xavier conducted Christian missionary work in Japan. However, in 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued the "Batteren Expulsion Order". Even in the Edo period, this policy was followed by Ieyasu Tokugawa, and Portuguese ports of call were restricted to Hirado and Nagasaki. When Japan opened in 1854, Portugal signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with Japan in 1860. Portugal declared neutral in World War II, but diplomatic relations were temporarily disrupted. In 1952 Japan and Portugal regained diplomatic relations.In 1993, the 450th anniversary of the arrival of Portuguese Tanegashima was held, and President Mario Soares visited Japan. Stamps are issued in commemoration of this, and "Nanbanjin Toraizu Byobu" and "Budo Makie Raden SeiheiBako"are designed.