Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

労働委員会制度50周年 << 1996年(平成8年) 3月1日 >> 2-5-170

50th Anniversary of Labour Relations Commission System Issued on March 1, 1996 (Heisei 8)

50th Anniversary of Labour Relations Commission System Issued on March 1, 1996 (Heisei 8)
The Labor Relations Commission is an organization established under the Trade Union Law for the purpose of advocating the unity of workers and promoting fair coordination of labor relations. [1] The Central Labor Relations Commission (national) Institutions) [2] There are two types of prefectural labor committees (prefectural institutions). The Labor Relations Commission is organized by the same number of members representing the public interest (public interest committee), members representing workers (worker committee), and members representing the employer (employer committee). Published in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the committee system, "Public, Labor and Management Letters and Guidelines" are designed.