Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第50回児童福祉週間 << 1996年(平成8年) 5月1日 >> 2-5-178

50th Child Welfare Week Commemoration Issued on May 1, 1996 (Heisei 8)

50th Child Welfare Week Commemoration Issued on May 1, 1996 (Heisei 8)
Child Welfare Week is a week for disseminating the idea of child welfare in Japan and deepening public awareness of children. The Ministry of Health and Welfare (at that time) aimed to disseminate the Child Welfare Act in 1948 (Showa 23) regarding the activities that were originally carried out by welfare organizations in various regions as "Child Welfare Week" and "Child Welfare Week" at the beginning of May. It is carried out as "Child Welfare Week". The stamp is issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Child Welfare Week and is designed with "Sun and Children".