Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

海の日制定 << 1996年(平成8年) 7月19日 >> 2-5-182

Commemoration of The Marine Day's Establishment Issued on July 19, 1996 (Heisei 8)

Commemoration of The Marine Day's Establishment Issued on July 19, 1996 (Heisei 8)
Marine Day is a national holiday of the Japanese people that came into effect in 1996 (Heisei 8). The purpose is to "thank the blessings of the sea and wish for the prosperity of Japan, a maritime nation." Japan is the only country in the world that has "Marine Day" as a national holiday. Article 13 of the Basic Ocean Law states that "national and local governments"The co-organization will hold events to deepen the under- standing of the ocean for the people on Marine Day. " The stamp is issued to commemorate the establishment of Marine Day, and is designed with the "Marine Day Symbol Mark" and "Nippon Maru Sailing Ship".