平成8年文化人 1996 (平成8年) 8月 27日発行
1996年8月27日、郵政省は文化人切手2種 (第5集 )を発行した。大正時代の文学者宮沢賢治と、江戸時代の国学者である。宮沢賢治は、詩人、童話作家。農業指導者として農民生活の向上に貢献し、東北地方の自然や生活を題材に詩や童話を執筆。童話集『注文の多い料理店』等を出版。塙保己一 (はなわほきいち) は江戸時代後期に活躍した盲目の学者で、大文献集「群書類従」を編纂した。
Cultural Leaders Issued on August 27, 1996 (Heisei 8)
On August 27, 1996, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued two types of cultural stamps (Vol. 5). Kenji Miyazawa, a literary scholar in the Taisho era, and a national scholar in the Edo period. Kenji Miyazawa is a poet and fairy tale writer. As an agricultural leader, he contributed to improving the lives of farmers and wrote poems and fairy tales on the subject of nature and life in the Tohoku region. He published a collection of fairy tales such as "A restaurant with many orders". Hanawa Hokiichi was a blind scholar who was active in the latter half of the Edo period, and compiled the large literature collection "Gunsho Ruijū".