Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第18回貯蓄銀行世界大会議 << 1996年(平成8年) 10月23日 >> 2-5-189

18th World Congress of Savings Banks Issued on October 23, 1996 (Heisei 8)

18th World Congress of Savings Banks Issued on October 23, 1996 (Heisei 8)
Savings banks are financial institutions for personal savings. Originally, it was a public financial institution that spread to Western countries in the 19th century to stabilize the lives of ordinary people by saving money. Japan's first savings bank is the Tokyo Savings Bank, which opened in 1880. It was enacted in 1893 and flourished in the early 20th century, but disappeared in 1949 and was abolished by law in 1981. In Japan, postal savings play the role of a savings bank. The stamp was issued in commemoration of the Savings Bank World Congress held in 1996, and is designed with the "symbol mark and squirrel".