Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

自治体消防制度50周年 << 1998年(平成10年) 3月6日 >> 2-5-217

Japan Fire Service 50th Anniversary Issued on March 6, 1998 (Heisei 10)

Japan Fire Service 50th Anniversary Issued on March 6, 1998 (Heisei 10)
In December 1947 (Showa 22), the Fire Fighting Organization Law (Law No. 226) was promulgated and came into effect in March 23. As a result, firefighting has shifted to municipal firefighting, which is managed entirely by the municipalities, and the newly created firefighting system now bears the mission of preventive administration. The stamp is issued in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the local government fire fighting system, and is designed by Toyohara Kunichika's "Town fire extinguisher and ambulance" and "Town fire extinguisher and fire engine".