Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

切手趣味週間 << 1998年(平成10年) 4月17日 >> 2-5-219

Philatelic Week Issued on April 17, 1998 (Heisei 10)

Philatelic Week Issued on April 17, 1998 (Heisei 10)
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued stamp hobby weekly stamps in April 1998. This time, Kokei Kobayashi's painting "Awa" was adopted. Kokei Kobayashi is a Japanese painter from the Taisho era to the Showa era. Born in Niigata prefecture in 1883 (Meiji 16). Kodai has improved the technique of line drawing, which is the life of oriental painting. His masterpiece "Hair" is a masterpiece that fully demonstrates the characteristics of old-diameter line drawings.