Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

家庭裁判所50周年 << 1999年(平成11年) 6月16日 >> 2-5-241

The 50th Anniversary of the Family Court Issued on June 16, 1999 (Heisei 11)

The 50th Anniversary of the Family Court Issued on June 16, 1999 (Heisei 11)
In January 1949 (Showa 24), the family court was established by integrating the traditional domestic court and juvenile court. Each family court has a family court investigator who uses his expertise in human science to carry out affairs such as investigations and environmental adjustments necessary for domestic affairs referees, family mediations, and juvenile referees. It also handles changes in family register (name), gender changes, and referees such as adoption. The stamp was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the family court and is designed with a "bronze statue and stained glass