Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

行政書士制度50周年 << 2001年(平成13年) 2月22日 >> 2-5-288

The 50th Anniversary of the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer System in Japan Issued on February 22, 2001 (Heisei 13)

The 50th Anniversary of the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer System in Japan Issued on February 22, 2001 (Heisei 13)
An administrative scrivener is a national qualification based on the Administrative Procedures Legal Enforced in 1951 (Showa 26), and is a national qualification. It is a professional who responds to administrative complaint procedures, etc., and consultations associated with preparation. The stamp is issued in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the administrative scrivener system, and is designed with "administrative scrivener characters and personal computer".