Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

日米フルブライト交流50周年 << 2002年(平成14年) 5月8日 >> 2-5-325

The 50th Anniv.of the Japan-U.S Fulbright Exchange Program Issued on May 8, 2002 (Heisei 14)

The 50th Anniv.of the Japan-U.S Fulbright Exchange Program Issued on May 8, 2002 (Heisei 14)
The Fulbright Program is a person exchange program between the United States and other countries that was launched in 1945 based on a bill submitted by Senator W. Fulbright to the U.S. Parliament for the purpose of human exchange to achieve world peace. Yes. In Japan, from 1949 to 1951, the GARIOA / Govern programment And Relief In Occupied Areas), about 1,000 Japanese studied abroad in the United States. The stamp is issued in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the business, and is designed as "The Departure of International Students".