Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

富士箱根国立公園(第1次) << 1936年(昭和11年) 11月7日 >> 3-1-1

Fuji Hakone National Park stamp
Issued on November 7, 1936 (Showa 11)

Fuji Hakone National Park stamp Issued on November 7, 1936 (Showa 11)
In October 1931 (Showa 6), the National Park Law came into effect. Twelve national parks were designated, and "Fuji Hakone National Park" was selected the first stamp. This stamp, which was issued in Japan's first four types of gravure printing, was sold only in this park area and generally sold by mail order.After this, the publication of the National Park series started and suspended from 1942 (Showa 17) before and after the Pacific War to 1948. It started again in 1949 and widely introduced national parks all over Japan for 38 years until 1974 (Showa 49).