Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

大山・瀬戸内海国立公園(第1次) 小型シート << 1939年(昭和14年) 4月20日 >> 3-1-5

Daisen-Setonaikai-Sea National Park Stamp Small Sheet
Issued April 20, 1939 (Showa 14)

Daisen-Setonaikai-Sea National Park Stamp Issued April 20, 1939 (Showa 14)
The Daisenand Setonaikai-Sea National Park stamps were issued at the same time. 2 sen is Daisen National Park (Distant view of Mt,Daisen), 4 sen, 10 sen and 20 sen are Setonaikai Sea National park tourist attractions. For foreign collectors, "small sheet" with four kinds of stamps and a manual was also put on the market.