Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

吉野熊野国立公園(第1次) 小型シート << 1949年(昭和24年) 4月10日 >> 3-1-17

Yoshino Kumano National Park Stamp
Issued on April10, 1949 (Showa 24)

Yoshino Kumano National Park Stamp Issued on April10, 1949 (Showa 24)
In April 1949 (Showa 24), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued the first postwar national park stamp "Yoshino Kumano".Due to the fierce war, national park stamps were suspended after the Taiwanese TSUGITAKA Taroko and NIITAKA Arisan National Park issued in April 1941 before the war. Then, four years after the war, it was published again in Japan.At the same time, a small sheet was issued, but the back glue could not be attached due to the lack of materials at that time.Also, the Small sheet before the war had explanations in Japanese and French, but after the war it changed to Japanese and English.