Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

磐梯朝日国立公園(第1次) 小型シート << 1952年(昭和27年) 10月18日 >> 3-1-27

Bandai-Asahi National Park stamp
Issued on October 18, 1952 (Showa 27)

Bandai-Asahi National Park stamp Issued on October 18, 1952 (Showa 27)
In October 1952 (Showa 27), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued four types of Bandai Asahi National Park stamps. Bandai Asahi National Park is the second largest after Daisetsuzan National Park.Dewasanzan / Asahi area including Dewasanzan.and Asahi Mountains, Iide area mainly in Iide Mountains, Bandai Azuma / Inawashiro area including Inawashiro Lake and Bandai Kogen / Azumayama / Adatara Mountain Designated in the year. At the same time, a small sheet (non-perforated) was issued.