Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

蔵王国定公園 << 1966年(昭和41年) 3月15日 >> 3-3-21

Zaō Quasi-National Park Issued on 3 , 15 , 1966 (Showa 41)

Zaō Quasi-National Park Issued on 3 , 15 , 1966 (Showa 41)
In March 1966 (Showa 41), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued one kind of Zao Quasi-National Park stamp.
Zao Quasi-National Park is centered on Mt. Zao, which straddles Yamagata and Miyagi prefectures. It was designated as Quasi-National Park in 1963 (Showa 38). The park area is 396㎢. The north is from Mt. Omoshiro to Mt. Kita Zao. It is about 36km north-south and 20km east-west.The area around Mt. Kumano (1841m) is formed by the "Okama" of the crater lake, Mt. Goshiki, and the outer mountains. such as Umanose. There is little vegetation.
The stamp is designed by Mt. Kumano's "Okama".