Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

氷ノ山・後山・那岐山国定公園 << 1969年(昭和44年) 8月20日 >> 3-3-31

Hyōnosen-Ushiroyama-Nagisan Quasi-National Park
Issued on 8 , 20 , 1969 (Showa 44)

Hyōnosen-Ushiroyama-Nagisan Quasi-National Park
Issued on 8 , 20 , 1969 (Showa 44)
In August 1969 (Showa 44), the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued two types of stamps, Hinosen, Ushiro-yama, and Nagi san Quasi-National Park. Hinosen / Usiroyama / Nagi-san Quasi-National Park covers the eastern part of the Chugoku Mountains and the mountainous area on the border of Hyogo, Tottori, and Okayama Prefectures. It was designated in 1969 and expanded in 1983.
The park area is 488 ㎢. Mt. Hyono (1510m) and Mt. Ougino (1310m) are volcanoes that broke through the Paleozoic formations and andesites at the end of the Tertiary period. The stamps are designed with Mt. Nagi and Harafudo Falls.