能登国定公園 1970 (昭和45) 8 月 1 日発行
1970年 (昭和45) 8月、郵政省は能登国定公園切手2種を発行した。
Noto Quasi-National Park
Issued on 8 , 1 , 1970 (Showa 45)
In August 1970, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued two types of Noto Quasi-National Park stamps.
Noto Quasi-National Park is an area mainly in the coastal area of the Noto Peninsula. and straddles Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures.The park area is 97 ㎢and was designated in 1968. Sotoura, which faces the Sea of Japan, is a beautiful coastal area, including Cape Suzu, Rokkosaki, and Senmaida at the tip, and the area from Wajima Port to Noto Kongo.The stamps are designed with "Kinoura Beach and Goshinji-taiko = Shinto's-Drum" and "Himi Beach and Tateyama Mountain Range".