年賀切手 昭和43年用 1967 (昭和42年) 12月11日発行
1968年用年賀切手は、1967年 (昭和42) 12月11日に発行された。この年も、寄付金無し年賀はがき7円 (10億枚) と、額面7円+寄付金1円はがき (4億5千万枚) が発行された。年賀切手は、7000万枚 (約20分の一) が発行された。発行増加理由は、1965以降、日本は高度経済成長時代を迎え、年賀状の需要も増えたためである。この年も、前年に続いて年賀はがきと年賀切手の発行において、年賀切手比率が大きいという特徴がある。理由は、前年と同じく、年賀切手発行のほうが、郵政省の収益が大きいと判断したためと考えられる。 (この年の発行数は切手ブームの終焉により、前年の1億枚から7千万枚に減少している) デザインは、宮崎玩具の「のぼりざる」であり、年賀はがき懸賞として「小型シート」が配賦された。
New Year Greeting stamp Showa43 Issued on December 11, 1967
The 1968 New Year stamp was issued on December 11, 1967 (Showa 42). In this year as well, 7yen (1 billion) New Year's postcards without donations and 7 yen face value + 1 yen donation postcards (450 million) were issued. 70 million New Year stamps (about 1/20 against postcards) were issued. The reason for the increase in issuance is that Japan has entered an era of high economic growth since 1965, and demand for New Year's cards has also increased. childIn the same year as the previous year, the ratio of New Year stamps is large in the issuance of New Year stamps and New Year stamps. It is probable that the reason is that, as in the previous year, it was judged that the issuance of New Year stamps was more profitable for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. (The number of stamps issued this year has decreased from 100 million in the previous year to 70 million due to the end of the stamp boom.) The design is Miyazaki Toy's "Nobori Zaru", and the New Year's postcard prize is "Small Sheet". Was allocated.