Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第2回郵便切手デザインコンクール << 1991年(平成3年) 5月31日 >> 2-5-56

The 2nd Postage Stamp Design Contest
Issued on May 31, 1991 (Heisei 3)

The 2nd Postage Stamp Design Contest Issued on May 31, 1991 (Heisei 3) The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has solicited stamp designs from around the world for the purpose of introducing Japanese postage stamps to the world. The 1st Postage Stamp Design Contest was held in June 1990, and the 2nd Contest was held in May 1991. The prize-winning works were 41 yen "flowers", 62 yen "care for customers in national costumes", 70 yen "butterflies", and 100 yen "world peace".