ふるさと切手 1999(平成11年) 7月 23日 発行
Furusato (Regional) Stamps Issued on 7 23, 1999 (Heisei 11)
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Local Post Office issued "Furusato Stamps" in July 1999 (Heisei 11). The design is Okinawa Prefecture "Iejima Touch and Sabani" * (8 million pieces). At the same time, a stamp booklet pane was issued.
* It is a rocky mountain 172m above sea level in the east of the island, and is the only rocky mountain in the world formed by the off-scraping phenomenon (a phenomenon in which an old bedrock sneaks into a new bedrock and part of it peels off and rides on the new bedrock). Sabani is a medium-sized fishing vessel in the Nansei Islands.