Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

群馬県 << 1999年(平成11年) 9月17日 >> 5-11-42

Furusato (Regional) Stamps Issued on 9 17, 1999 (Heisei 11)

Furusato (Regional) Stamps Issued on 9 17, 1999 (Heisei 11)
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Local Post Office issued "Furusato Stamps" in September 1999 (Heisei 11). The design is "Iwajuku Ruins * 50th Anniversary of Excavation" (13 million sheets) in Gunma Prefecture. At the same time, a stamp booklet pane was issued.
* Paleolithic ruins in Gunma prefecture. Excavation in 1946 proved that the Paleolithic era also existed in Japan.