Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第1次・第2次普通切手 << 1932年(昭和7年)7月26日 / 1934(昭和9年)年4月1日 >> 7-4-1

Manchurian stamp (Temporary/ 1st & 2nd regular stamps)
Issued Mar. 1 / July.26 1932 Apr.1 1934

Manchurian stamp (1st & 2nd regular stamps) Issued Mar. 1 / July.26 1932 Apr.1 1934 Manchuria was founded in March 1932 (Showa 7). Overprint stamps were temporarily distri-
buted in Heilongjiang Province.The first definitive stamp was issued on July 26, the same year. Eighteen types of first definitive stamps, including those for international mail, were issued,
and the country name was changed to "Manchuria Postage Stamps". After that, in 1934 (Sho- wa 9), nine kinds of second definitive stamps (different printing colors) were issued. Reference: Japan Philatelic Society Foundation,"Japan Stamp Specialized Catalog, Japan-Related Areas 2012," P74-90