Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

航空切手 << 1936年(昭和10年) ~ 1937年(昭和12年) >> 7-4-8

Manchurian stamp Airmail stamps
Issued in 1936 (Showa 10) -1937 (Showa 12)

Manchurian stamp Airmail stamps
Issued in 1936 (Showa 10) -1937 (Showa 12)
The Manchurian Flight Association was established in 1936 (Showa 10). As a result, the air route between Dalian and Tianjin was opened, and the air route between Japan and Manchuria was established. The Manchurian Post Office began handling airmail by this flight route, and four types of airmail stamps were issued from the same year to 1937. The stamps were designed with "sheep grazing and aircraft (18f / 19f)) and" Matsukae railway bridge and aircraft (38f / 39f) ". Reference: Wikipedia "Manshu Nichi-Nichi Shimbun 1937.1.7 (Showa 12)"
Japan Philatelic Society "Japan Stamp Specialty Catalog Japan-related Area 2012"