Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

登極(満州皇帝執政開始) << 1934年(昭和9年) >> 7-4-12

Manchurian stamps Commemorating starting the administration of the Emperor of Manchuria
Issued on March 1, 1934 (Showa 9)

Commemorating starting the administration of the Emperor of Manchuria Issued on March 1, 1934 (Showa 9) In an article on January 21, 1934 in the Osaka Asahi Shimbun, [Departure from Shinkyo Tokuden 20th] Manchukuo will carry out the imperial government on March 1st, and Puyi will rule the Manchurian Empire immediately after the emperor's position. Since it was decided, the Manchurian government issued a statement on the left to the inside and outside of China, and also issued a similar statement at the Manchurian embassy in Japan. ". Four types of stamps were issued to commemorate the throne and the start of the administration of His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria, and the Imperial Household Agency of Manchuria (11 / 2f / 6f) and the phoenix were designed with Mizuun (3f / 10f). Reference: Wikipedia "Emperor of Manchuria" 6.14.2022