Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

皇帝訪日記念 << 1935年(昭和10年) >> 7-4-13

Manchurian Stamp Commemorating the Emperor's Visit to Japan
Issued on April 2, 1935 (Showa 10)

Manchurian Stamp Commemorating the Emperor's Visit to Japan Issued on April 2, 1935 (Showa 10) In April 1935 (Showa 10), the Emperor of Manchuria Puyi visited Japan. At the official visit to Japan at the invitation of Emperor Showa, Emperor Showa himself welcomed the most preferential treatment to pick up Puyi at Tokyo Station. Puyi stayed in Japan from April 6th to 25th. The Manchurian Post Office issued four types of stamps to commemorate this. Mizuun (11 / 2f / 6f) was designed for Fuji, and Mizuun (3f / 10f) was designed for the twins. Reference: Wikipedia "Emperor of Manchuria visits Japan" 6.14.2022