Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際文通週間 << 1990年(平成2年) 10月5日 >> 2-5-41

International Letter Writing Week Issued on October 5, 1990 (Heisei 2)

International Letter Writing Week Issued on October 5, 1990 (Heisei 2) In October 1990, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. International Letter Writing Week stamps have been issued. International Penpal Week is an international week that contributes to world peace through mutual understanding through correspondence. It is set every year for a week from October 9th, the date of formation of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). As for the stamp, a part of the "Chojujiugiga" * is designed. * Choju-jingai is a painting drawn by multiple authors during the 12th to 13th centuries
(late Heian period - early Kamakura period)