Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国兵法実施記念 << 1941年(昭和16年) 5月25日 >> 7-4-23

Manchurian Stamp National Military Law Implementation Memorial
Issued May 25, 1941 (Showa 16)

Manchurian Stamp National Military Law Implementation Memorial Issued May 25, 1941 (Showa 16) After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 (Showa 12), the Japanese Army dispatched Kwantung Army generals to various parts of China. For this reason, the Manchukuo Imperial Army changed its strategy from the Kwantung Army's central force to self-defense. In 1940 (Showa 15), the "National Military Law" was enacted and the "conscription system" was implemented. The stamp was issued in May 1941 and is designed by the soldiers of Manchuria. Reference: Wikipedia "Census Ceremony of Manchuria" 2022.6.16 Reference: Wikipedia "History of Manchuria" 6.16.2022