Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

シンガポール陥落記念 << 1942年(昭和17年) 2月16日 >> 7-4-24

Manchurian Stamp Singapore Fall Memorial
Issued February 16, 1942 (Showa 17)

Manchurian Stamp Singapore Fall Memorial Issued February 16, 1942 (Showa 17) From February 8th to 15th, 1942, a battle was fought between the Japanese Army and the British Army in Singapore. The British army had more than twice the strength of the Japanese army, but the Japanese army fell the Singapore fortress, which was said to be impregnable, in less than 10 days. Japan issued stamps to commemorate this victory, but Manchuria also issued stamps. The stamp was the 4th reguler stamp with the characters "Memorial-Return to Singapore to Toua(Asia)" printed on it. Reference: Wikipedia "Battle of Singapore" 6.16.2022