Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

勤労奉公法施行記念 << 1943年(昭和18年) 5月1日 >> 7-4-27

Commemorating the Enforcement of the Labor Service Law
Issued on May 1, 1943 (Showa 18)

Commemorating the Enforcement of the Labor Service Law Issued on May 1, 1943 (Showa 18) In November 1942, the National Labor Service Law was enacted as the Pacific War became more severe and human resources were needed to supply more munitions. As a result, the National Labor Service Bureau was established, and young people before military service were also obliged to work. To commemorate the enforcement of this law, two types of stamps with two face values were issued, with the characters "Labor Service" printed on the fourth reguler stamp. Reference: Wikipedia "History of Manchuria" 6.16.2022