占領地切手 12 (ジャワ2) 1943(昭和18) 発行
1942年(昭和17)3月、ジャワ作戦終了後、日本軍は現地切手を一部を除き従前使用 させた。また、日本切手を持ち込み、日本や他占領地との通信用に無加刷で使用させた。その後、1943年(昭和18)3月、占領1周年切手や正刷普通切手、貯金切手を発行した。正刷切手は、他の占領地と同じく、日本の内閣印刷局が製造し発行した。それらの切手は、1945年8月の戦争終了と共に、その効力を失った。 *今井修著『日本切手100年小史』日本郵趣出版1978年P168-169参考
Occupation stamps 12 (Java 2) Issued on 1943
In December 1941, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese army began fighting with the Allied Forces of the Philippines, and by June 9, 1942, the Allied Forces surrendered and the battle ended. Prior to that, in March 1942, the Philippine government began postal services at the direction of the Japanese Army. Initially, overprint stamps were issued on local stamps. PositiveStamps were manufactured and issued by the Cabinet Printing Bureau of Japan from April 1943 (Showa 18). Those stamps became ineffective at the end of the war in August 1945. * Osamu Imai, "100 Years of Japanese Stamps", Nihon Yushu Shuppan, 1978, P168-169 Reference