占領地切手 15 (北ボルネオ) 1943(昭和18)発行 1942年(昭和17)9月、日本軍部と郵政は、現地切手に「北ボルネオ」加刷した切手を発行した。(その後、1944年(昭和19)に「大日本・帝国郵便・北ボルネオ」の三行加刷切手を流通させた。併せて、昭和切手に「北ボルネオ」加刷した切手を発行した。正刷切手は、1943年(昭和18)4月から日本の内閣印刷局が2種製造し発行した。これらの切手は、1945年8月の戦争終了と共に、その効力を失った。 *今井修著『日本切手100年小史』日本郵趣出版1978年P168-169参考
Occupation stamps 15 (North Borneo ) Issued from 1943
In September 1942 (Showa 17), the Japanese military and postage stamps issued "Northern Borneo" stamps on local stamps. (After that, in 1944 (Showa 19), the three-line overprinted stamps of "Dainippon, Imperial Mail, and North Borneo" were distributed. At the same time, "North Borneo" stamps were issued on Showa stamps. Two types of stamps were manufact- ured and issued by the Japanese Cabinet Printing Bureau from April 1943 (Showa 18).
These stamps became ineffective at the end of the war in August 1945. * Osamu Imai, "100 Years of Japanese Stamps", Nihon Yushu Shuppan, 1978, P168-169 Reference