世界デザイン博覧会 1989年(平成元年) 7月 14日発行
World Design Expositio '89 Issued on June 14, 1989 (Heisei 1) The World Design Expo is an exposition that has been held in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture since July 1989. 1989 (Heisei 1) was the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the city system nationwide in 1889 (Meiji 22). A 100th anniversary commemorative project was planned in each city, and an exposition was held as an event. Nagoya, which failed to attract the Olympics in 1981, sought an event for the 100th anniversary of the municipal organization. Therefore, we considered attracting global events related to industrial design, succeeded in attracting the 1989 World Design Expo, and held this exposition. The stamp was issued in commemoration of this exposition, and "Crystal of Light and Zuiun" and "Character Illustration" are designed.