国際居住年 1987年(昭和62年) 11月 25日発行
国際連合は第37回総会において、1987年を国際居住年(International Year of Shelter for the Homeless:IYSH)とすることを決議した。 国際居住年は国際連合の総会の決議による“国際年”である。
International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
Issued on November 25, 1987 (Showa 62)
At the 37th General Assembly, the United Nations resolved to make 1987 the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH). The International Year of Residence is the "International Year" by resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
The stamp was issued in November 1987 to commemorate the year of international residence, and is designed with "Taiki and family" and "House image".