Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第42回国民体育大会 << 1987年(昭和62年) 10月24日 >> 2-4-583

42th National Athletic Meet
Issued on October 24, 1987 (Showa 62)

42th National Athletic Meet Issued on October 24 , 1987 (Showa 62) The 42nd National Athletic Meet was held in 1987 in Okinawa Prefecture (Summer Games) and Nagano Prefecture (Winter Games). The theme of the Winter Games is "Shinanoji Kokuta", and the theme of the Summer / Autumn Games is "Kaiho National Athletic Meet". In this tournament, the host prefectures made a round of the whole country and entered the second round from the following year.
The stamp was issued in commemoration of this National Sports Festival, and "Basketball and Shureimon" is designed.