Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

木曽三川近代治水100年 << 1987年(昭和62年) 8月7日 >> 2-4-578

Centenary of Modern Embankment for Kiso Three Rivers
Issued on August 7, 1987 (Showa 62)

Centenary of Modern Embankment for Kiso Three Rivers
Issued on August 7, 1987 (Showa 62)
Hydraulic control work on the Kiso River has been carried out since the Edo period, but it was often hit by floods. The Meiji government has embarked on a Dutch engineer's "Kiso River Rehabilitation Plan." The renovation work carried out from 1887 (Meiji 20) succeeded in completely dividing the Kiso Three Rivers.
The stamp was issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the renovation work, and is designed with "Kiso Sansen".