Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際平和年 << 1986年(昭和61年) 11月28日 >> 2-4-550

International Year of Peace
Issued on November 28, 1986 (Showa 61)

International Year of Peace Issued on November 28, 1986 (Showa 61) In 1986, the United Nations established the Year of World Peace. The purpose is to work to strengthen the United Nations and draw public attention to the basic conditions of peace such as development, disarmament, human rights and the environment. Japan has set up the "International Peace Year Liaison Secretariat" in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as this year marks the 30th anniversary of accession to the United Nations.
In October, the United Nations University-sponsored World Conference on the Year of International Peace was held.
Stamps are issued in commemoration of this, and "pigeons" and "children holding hands" are designed.