大鳴門橋開通 1985年(昭和60年) 6月 7日発行
大鳴門橋は、兵庫県の南あわじ市福良丙 (ふくらへい)と徳島県の鳴門市鳴門町間の鳴門海峡の最狭部を結ぶ吊橋。1985年(昭和60年)6月に開通した。この橋は、本州と四国を結ぶ三つの本四架橋ルートの神戸淡路鳴門自動車道として、四国地方と近畿地方の交通の要になっている。
Completion of Oh-naruto Bridge Issued on June 7, 1985 (Showa 60)
Onaruto Bridge is a suspension bridge that connects the narrowest part of the Naruto Strait between Fukura Hei, Minamiawaji City, Hyogo Prefecture and Naruto Town, Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. It opened in June 1985 (Showa 60). This bridge is the cornerstone of transportation in the Shikoku and Kinki regions as the Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway, which is the three main four bridge routes connecting Honshu and Shikoku.
This stamp was issued to commemorate the opening of this bridge, and "Onaruto Bridge and Uzushio" was designed.