切手趣味週間 1981年(昭和56年) 4月20日発行 1981年4月、郵政省は切手趣味週間切手を発行した。今回は、江戸時代の浮世絵師鈴木晴信の「立見夕顔」が採用された。鈴木晴信は、細身で可憐、繊細な表情の美人画で人気を博し、木版多色摺りの錦絵誕生に決定的な役割を果たし、後の浮世絵の発展に多大な影響を及ぼした。
Philatelic Week Issued on April 20, 1981 (Showa 56) In April 1981, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued stamp hobby week stamps. This time, "Tachimi Yuhgao = standing figure of two beautiful women" by Harunobu Suzuki, an ukiyo-e artist from the Edo period, was adopted. Harunobu Suzuki gained popularity for his slender, pretty, and delicate facial expressions, and played a decisive role in the birth of woodblock multicolored nishiki-e, which had a great influence on the later development of ukiyo-e.