Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

第9回国際産婦人科連合大会 << 1979年(昭和54年) 10月25日 >> 2-4-413

Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Issued on October 25, 1979 (Showa 54)

Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Issued on October 25, 1979 (Showa 54)
In October 1979, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued stamps to commemorate the "9th International Obstetrics and Gynecology Union Convention" held in Tokyo. This organization was founded in 1954 as a subordinate organization of obstetrics and gynecology societies around the world. The purpose is to protect the welfare of women, mothers and children from both the physical and mental aspects by promoting academic progress and interaction. Academic societies from 80 countries participate and the secretariat is in London. The stamp is designed as "Woman and Foetation".