Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

国際婦人年 << 1975年(昭和50年) 6月23日 >> 2-4-333

International Women's Year Issued on June 23, 1975 (Showa 50)

International Women's Year Issued on June 23, 1975 (Showa 50) The International Women's Year is an international year established by the United Nations with the aim of improving the status of women, and declared 1975 to be the International Women's Year. In the same year, the 1st World Conference on Women was held in Mexico City under the auspices of the United Nations, and the "World Action Plan" for improving the status of women was adopted.
The International Women's Year was expanded by the United Nations as the United Nations Decade of Women (1976-85), after which the World Conference on Women was held in various countries such as Copenhagen (1981) and Nairobi (1985).
The stamp is issued to commemorate the founding of the International Women's Year and is designed with International Women's Year mark,the sun and women.