Japanese Stamps Digital Museum

高松塚古墳保存募金 << 1973年(昭和48年) 3月26日 >> 2-4-295

Preservation of Takamatsu-zuka
Issued on March 26, 1973 (Showa 48)

Preservation of Takamatsu-zuka Issued on March 26, 1973 (Showa 48) The Takamatsuzuka Tumulus is an old tumulus located in Asuka Village, Takaichi District, Nara Prefecture (inside the Asuka Historical National Park). It is a terminal old burial mound built in the Fujiwara-kyo period (694-710), and is a two-stage circular burial mound with a diameter of 23 m (lower) and 18 m (upper) and a height of 5 m. A colorful mural was discovered in 1972.Three types of stamps have been issued to raise funds for preservation based on the discovery, and the blue dragon, the east wall men's group image, and the west wall women's group image are designed.